Difference Between Public International Law and Private International Law

Difference Between Public International Law & Private International Law: International law is a great topic for supervising relations, rights, and obligations existing between entities that seem at the global level. It normally finds its division into two main branches: public international law and private international law. Such differentiation is necessary when one tries to carry out an understanding of how legal systems work on an international level.

International law presents rules and standards that avoid interstate conflict. Public international law concerns relations between countries. Private international law deals with the dispute between private parties. These two branches have their own sphere of activity and different sides of judicial engagements. These differences are of paramount importance to people, companies, and world trade.

Definition of Public International Law

Public international law is commonly known as international law. It encompasses the body of rules and principles governing the behavior of states and international organizations toward each other. This defines the rights, responsibilities, and obligations of sovereign states. Furthermore, it also gives legal grounds to international relations concerning the larger goal of world peace and security.

Key Characteristics of Public International Law

  • It applies to every state and international organization body.

  • Treaties, customary law, and case law.

  • It deals with human rights law, environmental law, and the laws of war.

  • It deals with issues like border disputes and the sovereignty of states.

Definition of Private International Law

 Private International Law, also known as conflict of laws. It pertains to cases involving private persons or entities that cross into another country. It basically will determine the jurisdiction and laws to be used in solving the conflict or litigation between private persons or companies between countries.

Key Characteristics of Private International Law

  • It deals with conflicts of jurisdiction involving civil or commercial cases.

  • It contains laws of marriage, divorce, children's custody and contracts and commercial contracts transactions

  • The case may try to establish which country's law shall prevail over the case in case of a conflict between the countries.

  • The court in making its decision determines that whose laws shall apply in case there is a dispute cross-border.

  • It serves to guide foreign judgments enforcement and rule of recognition in the domestic courts.

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Difference Between Public International Law and Private International Law

International law has the greatest responsibility. It determines the coexistence of nations and citizens across the world. Broadly, it is divided into two categories: public international law and private international law. Two branches of international law deal with entirely different purposes as well as the differences in fields of international law.

1. Definition and Scope 

  • Public International Law: They are rules governing the interaction of nations and international organizations. They define issues ranging across areas such as human rights, laws of the environment, peacekeeping, and diplomatic relations as global issues. Its primary work is to confer order upon the world by guiding the conduct of countries and providing rules governing their behavior.

  • Private International Law: also called the conflict of laws. It is a method of dealing with issues that involve private individuals or entities coming from a different country. It will determine which country's laws must apply regarding a contract, family matter, inheritance, or business issue that falls on two or more borders. The target is to resolve legal disputes and do justice for the person or business involved.

2. Nature and Subjects

  • Public International Law: It deals mainly with nations, international organizations, and sometimes individuals, such as in cases of human rights or war crimes. Some of the key issues are state power, treaties, peace and war, and overall relations between the nations.

  • Private International Law: It primarily focuses on private individuals, companies, and institutions. Key focus points in private international law relate to individual matters such as business transactions, marriage, divorce, child custody, and inheritance when parties hail from a different country.

3. Jurisdiction and Sources of Law

  • Public International Law: Here, jurisdiction comes through international treaties and agreements. These are treaties and agreements that nations agree to adhere to. Its principles make up the very canvas of ideas that all countries agree to accept. Especially decisions made by such bodies of high repute as the United Nations or the International Court of Justice.

  • Private International Law: It is somewhat different. It depends on the laws of countries whose laws are in question, and the jurisdiction thereof is defined by principles governing the relationships among the latter. This system prescribes, hence, the law of which country shall apply to a given case. The sources of law are national laws, international agreements, and conflict-of-law rules.

4. Scope and Application

  • Public International Law: It deals with areas as vast as state power, maritime boundaries, war laws, environmental rules, and protection of human rights. It tries to govern the interaction between states and deal with issues that may prove detrimental to global peace and security.

  • Private International Law: It focuses narrowly on civil and commercial matters between private parties of different nations. It aids courts in the determination of cross-border disputes that include breach of contract, personal injury, family law, and business arbitration.

5. Enforcement Mechanism

  • Public International Law: It is usually enforced by organizations such as the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Court. In addition, there are diplomatic actions, sanctions, or even military force among the countries that make sure that indeed the rules and treaties are followed by those countries.

  • Private International Law: It is mainly administered through the national courts of concerned countries. Its implementation relies on domestic law and international treaties whose judgments rendered by courts are acknowledged beyond borders. Courts make use of private international law to decide which law should govern in a particular case and how to interpret such laws.

6. Examples

  • Public International Law: Treaties of public international law include, among others, the charter of the United Nations, the Geneva Conventions, and climate agreements such as the Paris Agreement. They seek to bring peace to the world, protect human rights, and allow countries to cooperate.

  • Private International Law: Whereas, Private International Law relates to marriage and divorce disputes between nationals of different countries, international contracts regarding business, jurisdiction over children residing in two different countries, and property disputes between two countries. It tries to find solutions by determining which legal rule from which jurisdiction should prevail in each instance.

Difference Between Public International Law and Private International Law

Now that we have seen the difference between public and private International Law, let us look at the recap of the key differences between the two forms of law in the table below –

AspectPublic International LawPrivate International LawDefinitionGoverns relationships between states and international organizations.Governs disputes between private individuals or entities across borders.NatureDeals with public interests, such as state sovereignty and global peace.Deals with private interests, such as contractual disputes or family law.SubjectsStates, international organizations, and sometimes individuals.Private citizens, corporations, and legal entities.JurisdictionGenerally applies uniformly to all states under international treaties and customs.Jurisdiction varies and depends on the national laws of the countries involved.Sources of LawTreaties, conventions, international customs, and legal precedents.Domestic laws, international conventions, and conflict-of-law rules.Enforcement MechanismInternational courts (e.g., International Court of Justice) and diplomatic measures.National courts of the countries involved in the dispute.ScopeBroader, encompassing global issues like human rights, environmental law, and war laws.Narrower, focusing on civil matters like contracts, torts, and family disputes.Example CaseTreaty violations, maritime disputes, war crimes.Cross-border divorce proceedings, international business contracts, and child custody disputes.


Public international law and private international law are crucial in maintaining order and justice in international legal systems. They ensure that peace persists between nations. Public international law focuses on state relations and global regulations. Private International Law addresses cross-border disputes among private entities. As the world continues to globalize, the relevance of both public and private international law is becoming more pronounced. Their application is crucial for resolving conflicts, ensuring human rights protection, and promoting international cooperation. These contribute to their applications to solve conflicts, protect human rights, and in general provide grounds for international cooperation. International law is a growing field. Top universities offer international law courses for students to specialize in this field of law.


Difference Between Public International Law and Private International Law FAQs

1. What is the distinction between public international law and private international law?

Public international law refers to activities between states or between a state and an international organization. It examines issues involving sovereignty and human rights, for instance.

Private international law regulates cross-border disputes between private individuals or entities. In essence, it regulates the issue of jurisdiction and law applicable to a dispute.

2. Why is public international law important?

Public international law is crucial because, inter alia, it helps regulate state behavior, maintain global peace and security, protect human rights, and set norms for international relations.

3. How does private international law apply in cross-border disputes?

Private international law determines the jurisdiction and the applicable law to adjudicate cross-border disputes between parties from different countries. Thus, it provides guidelines to the courts on which country's law applies to a particular case.

4. Can private international law affect businesses?

Yes, private international law can also affect business, especially the international trade and commerce business.

5. What are the most important sources of public international law?

The main sources of public international law are treaties, international conventions, customs, precedents, and principles of international law.

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