Precis Writing for Judiciary Exams: Ultimate Guide to Precis Writing for Judiciary Aspirants

Precis Writing for Judiciary Exams: Ultimate Guide to Precis Writing for Judiciary Aspirants

Summarizing is a technical skill that is very important in most professions today, including the legal profession. Whether the work involves summarizing judgements, case brief drafting, or even a piece of legal opinion, lawyers can make sure that they present their facts briefly yet with important details.

Precis Writing Meaning

Precis writing is the ability to bring a long text into short, originating from the French word "précis," meaning precise. Precis writing requires condensing a piece of writing into one-third of its original length yet retaining the main ideas and essence. It demands clear thought and expression to help the reader understand the essentials.

Precis writing shortens the given text in words with the preservation of the central ideas, which would be then conveyed in abbreviated terms. 

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Features of Precis Writing

A well-written precis goes beyond being a summary of the source and holds the core message in clear, coherent words. Features of a good precis include clarity, brevity, coherence, and fidelity to the tone of the original text. With these features, a précis remains valid as a summary that expresses the central idea and never loses its importance.

  • Clarity: The summary has to be clear with no scope for ambiguity.

  • Brevity: The precis must convey the essentials of content in a much shorter length than it has, usually one-third or one-fourth.

  • Objectivity: The writer must present the ideas strictly without personal bias and be confined to the original text.

  • Coherence: The work summarized must have logical coherence and should not comprise abrupt transitions to ensure smooth reading.

  • Fidelity: The precis should reflect the real meaning of the original text without distortion.

Precis Writing for Judiciary (Mains) Exam

Precis writing is important to legal cases for several reasons:

  • Time Efficiency: A court judges thousands of cases at a time. A well-written précis helps a judge grasp the core of legal arguments promptly.

  • Legal briefs are not ambiguous discussions. Lawyers often have to plead for their points concisely so that people understand their arguments clearly and precisely.

  • Improved Communication: Clear writing is effective when contacting lawyers and also facilitates good drafting of a law that prevents vagaries in judgements and interpretations.

  • Decision Making: Summarized information makes it possible to carry out decisions made with higher decisiveness and efficiency, considering no relevant point is lost.

  • Reference in Case Law: Judges as well as attorneys rely on precedents in their cases. A concise summary of case laws makes them refer to valid legal points without going through large volumes.

Rules of Precis Writing

The legal field is highly dependent on precis writing as it enables one to convey and simplify complicated arguments, judgments, and legal provisions. Many crucial rules include:

  • Adhere to Facts: Make sure that the precis must not be biased nor fact-less, as legal precision calls for objectivity.

  • Avoid Interpretation: This should merely be a sum up of the content and no addition of personal thought or opinion.

  • Cut Out Unwanted Details: Eliminate unwanted repetitive clauses aside from prolix examples that seem to have no place in the core message.

  • Legal Jargon: Use proper legal jargon every time possible, and avoid using colloquial terms.

  • Respect Legal Precedents: When paraphrasing case laws or legal decisions, it is important to keep the legal precedent as close as possible.

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Steps to Write a Precis for Judiciary Mains

Writing a precis can be broken down into steps one by one. Such steps include reading and understanding the text, identifying important ideas, creating a very rough draft, and editing for clarity and conciseness. Through this step-by-step process, you can easily take a long passage and condense it into a concise precis.

Step 1: Read Text Thoroughly 

Understand the complete text or judgment. Find the major argument, facts, and conclusions.

Step 2: Highlight Key Points 

Note down essential facts, legal reasoning, and important precedents.

Step 3: Create a Rough Draft 

Start drafting by summarizing each section of the text while keeping the original meaning intact.

Step 4: Review and Revision 

Precis should be lucid, coherent, and free from superfluous legal jargon.

Step 5: Cross-check Legal References 

Legal references are to be cross-checked for the precis to be capable of reflecting the fundamental legal principles well

Do's and Don'ts of Precis Writing in Law

Precis writing is simple in all respects, but then there are very important dos and don'ts for it. These rules avoid common mistakes like personal opinions, copying sentences, and omission of key points. All of these suggestions ensure that your precis should be brief, lucid, and also true.


  • Do emphasize facts: The bottom line emphasizes the most critical facts and legal reasoning.

  • Do not lose objectivity: Neutrality should be maintained while developing a tone strictly adherent to the source text.

  • Do use legal terms: For summarizing judgments or legal documents, proper legal words should be used.

  • Do reedit your précis: Always read your work for clarity and accuracy, especially in the legal field.


  • Don't introduce personal opinions: Avoid dropping your own view about the summary.

  • Don't misstate the law: Be right regarding legal principles and precedents; any misstatement can be disastrous.

  • Don't omit key facts: Ensure the relevant facts are included in the summary, mainly those that determine the decision.

  • Don't over-condense: Brevity is the soul of precis writing, yet over-condensation leads to a loss of crucial legal elements.

Example of Precis Writing

"In this case, the appellant was charged with fraud and misappropriation of public funds. The prosecution presented evidence showing that the appellant while holding a public office, diverted funds meant for developmental projects into personal accounts. The defence argued that the appellant was unaware of the transactions, attributing the errors to subordinates who had access to the accounts. However, the court found that the appellant, as the primary authority responsible for overseeing the project funds, should have been aware of the discrepancies. Moreover, evidence revealed that the appellant personally authorized several transfers. As a result, the court ruled that the appellant was guilty of fraud and sentenced him to a term of imprisonment. The defence’s plea for leniency, citing the appellant’s prior clean record, was considered, but the court emphasized the gravity of the offence, stating that public trust had been severely breached."

Precis (50 words):
The appellant was found guilty of fraud for diverting public funds to personal accounts while in office. Despite the defence blaming subordinates, the court held the appellant responsible for authorizing the transfers. The plea for leniency was rejected, and the appellant was sentenced to prison for breaching public trust.

Legal Examples of Precis Writing

Summarizing a Landmark Case Judgment: 

Kesavananda Bharati v. State of Kerala: The precis stated the major result of the case: the Supreme Court held that not even a portion of the basic structure of the Constitution could be amended. The summary throws out the procedural facts and gives importance to the legal reasoning behind the judgment.

Legal Opinion on Breach of Contract:

 The precis of a particularly tedious legal opinion on breach of contract should concentrate on the core elements of the case—the alleged breach, the claimed damages, and how the court interpreted the law on contract. Minor clauses of the contract and side arguments are not supposed to be included.

Tips to Ace Precis Writing for Law Exams

Precis writing is an essential skill for judiciary exams, requiring candidates to summarize complex legal texts accurately and concisely. It tests comprehension, clarity, and precision in writing. Aspirants targeting to crack law exams in India must focus on key ideas, avoid unnecessary details, and adhere to word limits. Here are the key points for aspirants to focus on:

  • Understand the core message: Read the passage thoroughly and grasp the main idea before starting.

  • Stick to the word limit: Ensure your precis is within the given word limit, while still conveying the essence of the text.

  • Avoid personal opinions: A precis should be objective, focusing only on the content provided.

  • Use your own words: Paraphrase the text instead of copying it verbatim, but retain key legal terms where necessary.

  • Maintain clarity and brevity: Use clear and concise language, ensuring the precis remains easy to read.

  • Follow the logical flow: Ensure that the order of ideas in the precis matches the structure of the original passage.

  • Proofread: Always check for grammatical errors, clarity, and coherence before finalizing the precis.


Precis writing has emerged as an important skill in the judiciary, which shortens prolix legal arguments and judgments of great length to smaller digestible summaries. While in an arena like law where clarity and objectivity become the gospel truth, the importance of this art cannot be said to be met with enough words. Developing this art could enable legal professionals to communicate better, save precious time, and produce much better processes of decision-making. The secret to good writing of precises in law lies in their ability to maintain accuracy, brevity, and coherence without loss of the gamut of essentials.

Precis Writing FAQs

1. What is precis writing? 

A precis is the art of summarizing material, condensing words into a precisely concise form, yet retaining the original meaning.

2. Why is precis writing important in the judiciary?

Precis writing helps simplify complex legal documents, making them easier to understand and aids in quick decision-making.

3. How is precis writing different from paraphrasing? 

While paraphrasing is restating the content, precis writing is intended to be reduced while retaining the original meaning.

4. What are rules in precis writing concerning the legal field? 

Rules would be of an objective law, which is accurate, concise, and uses legal terminology.

5. Could a personal opinion be part of a legal precis? 

No, because, in the case of a legal precis, there must be no personal opinions or fact-based determinations without personal interpretation.

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