Salary of Chief Justice of India: Salary, Allowances, Roles & More

Salary of Chief Justice of India: Salary, Allowances, Roles & More

The Chief Justice of India is the head of the Indian judiciary. He, as the head of the Supreme Court, performs various administrative tasks for the administration of justice in the country, for supervision over the working of the judiciary. He maintains the constitution as per all set norms. Being a role so greatly important, the salary and benefits involved for the CJI are the weight of responsibility bestowed through the office. Here, in this article, we will focus on who the CJI is, the salary structure, the benefits, and perks that come with this job and the role and duties associated with this one of the most superior positions.

Who is a Chief Justice of India (CJI)?

The Chief Justice of India stands as the highest judicial head in the country. He is appointed under Article 124 by the President of India. The CJI presides over the court of the Supreme Court and makes sure the judiciary decides individually and justly. The CJI is also the administrative head in charge of the distribution of cases to the other judges and conducting court proceedings.

The Chief Justice of India is crucial in matters of the constitution as well as public interest litigation, and deciding those cases which are of national importance. The tenure of the Chief Justice is quite short as it depends on the seniority of the judge as well as the retirement age that at present has been fixed at 65.

Salary of Chief Justice of India

The Chief Justice of India's salary has been altered numerous times to match the advancing inflation rates and, consequently, the wider-functioning position. The last time the CJI's salary was revised took place after the recommendations of the 7th Pay Commission. Currently, the CJI's salary comes at a rate of ₹2,80,000 a month, not taking into account all the perks and benefits.

This salary is rather stiffer compared to that of lower-level judges but is reasonable when weighed against the duties entrusted to the office. The pay was structured to allow the judiciary to stay independent and immune to external pressures within a pedestal of standard livelihood that would reflect the dignity of the office.

Composition of Salary Structure of Different Levels of Judges 

Below is the tabular representation of the judge's salary in India for at various levels in India:

PositionMonthly Salary (₹)Chief Justice of India Salary₹2,80,000Supreme Court Judge Salary₹2,50,000Chief Justice of High Court salary₹2,50,000High Court Judge Salary₹2,25,000District Judge (Entry-level) Salary₹1,44,840District Judge (Senior Scale) Salary₹1,82,200District Judge (Selection Grade) salary₹2,24,100

Allowances & Incentives Given to the Chief Justice of India

Beside the salary, the Chief Justice of India enjoys several allowances and benefits to further the performance of duties. These include –

  • Official Residence: The CJI is entitled to an entirely furnished official residence in New Delhi. The residence is supported with necessary staff for maintenance and security.

  • Medical benefits: extensive medical benefits, including free medical treatment at government hospitals and some private hospitals for the CJI and members of the immediate family.

  • Staff and Security: The CJI will have a personal staff consisting of secretaries and clerical personnel. The security detail of the CJI, considering the sensitive nature of the office, is strongly secured both when working from the residence and also while he/she travels.

  • Travel Allowances: The CJI is granted first-class travel allowances within India and abroad, and is also entitled to stay and daily allowances during such official travels.

  • Pension Benefits: The retiring CJI gets a pension according to the salary drawn at retirement. This way, he is not deprived of financial security after retirement.

  • Other Allowances: The CJI is entitled to telephone, electricity, and water reimbursements and free government vehicles complete with chauffeurs as well.

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Roles & Responsibilities of Chief Justice of India

The Chief Justice of India has a role beyond this head position at the Supreme Court. The important responsibilities are as follows:

1. Judicial Role

The CJI serves as president of the Supreme Court and also leads a bench in matters of constitutional questions, precedents, and inter-state disputes or between states and the center.

2. Administrative Role: 

The Chief Justice of India allocates different cases to various benches in the Supreme Court. He retains the administrative power and has authority on judges' appointments and transfers in the subordinate courts as well as high courts.

3. Advisory Role:

 In his advisory capacity, the CJI may be called upon by the President of India for an opinion on matters concerning the judiciary. Sometimes, in some of the constitutional matters, the executive may also seek advice from the CJI.

4. Judicial Appointments:

In the matter of judicial appointments, the CJI has a very crucial position, primarily under the collegium system. The collegium consists of the Chief Justice of India and several others associated with the Supreme Court judges who, based upon their experience, recommend names for judicial appointments in the High Courts and Supreme Court.

5. Public Interest Litigations (PIL): 

The CJI often has to adjudicate upon cases of national and public importance. People are often bringing PILs before the bench of the CJI where people speak for the public good, which gets land frequently on the bench of the CJI.


Being the chief justice of India, he makes sure there is justice and always upholds the Constitution. His salary of ₹2,80,000 a month, coupled with other privileges, makes him financially strong to perform all duties with independence and integrity. The judicial, administrative, and advisory roles of the CJI assume significant importance in the context of India's legal system. The contribution of the CJI is of enormous range because he presides over significant constitutional matters and also delivers post-retirement benefits to the courts. It gives a cut-and-dry idea of the importance and prestige of the position.

Salary of Chief Justice of India FAQs

1. How much does Chief Justice of India (CJI) earn?

The Chief Justice of India earns ₹2,80,000 per month; extra allowances are not provided.

2. Can we compare CJI's salaries with those of the other judges of the country?

The CJI gets more than the Supreme Court judges, whose salary is ₹2,50,000 a month, and the High Court judges, who draw ₹2,25,000 a month.

3. Does the Chief Justice of India have some other privileges? 

Yes, as some perks that include official residence, medical benefits, staff and security, travel allowances, and post-retirement pensions are available to the CJI.

4. What is going to be the pension for CJI?

The CJI's pension will be calculated. The pension of the CJI draws on the last drawn salary and provides post-retirement benefits also to ensure financial security.

5. What are some of the key roles and responsibilities played by the Chief Justice of India?

The major jobs undertaken by the CJI include presiding over the Supreme Court, administration of the judiciary, and cases related to the Constitution. The CJI plays a very important role in the appointment of the judges.

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