Supreme Court Judge Salary in India: Salary Per Month, Pay Scale, Allowances & Pension!

Supreme Court Judge Salary in India: Salary Per Month, Pay Scale, Allowances & Pension!

A Supreme Court Judge is the highest official of the Judiciary and is ascribed with the responsibility to safeguard the values of the Indian Constitution. While Supreme Court Judges work hard to uphold the principles of justice and equality mentioned in our Constitution, have you ever wondered how much a Supreme Court Judge earns? As the prestigious yet demanding job of a Supreme Court judge plays a pivotal role in nation-building, their salary is at par with their massive responsibilities.

Headed by the esteemed Chief Justice of India, Supreme Court Judges are learned men and women who devote their lives to serve the people of India. Therefore, it is but fitting that Supreme Court judges be rewarded adequately for their distinguished service. In India, the Supreme Court Judge salary per month amounts to INR 2.8 lakhs for the Chief Justice of India, and INR 2.5 lakhs for Supreme Court Judges. In addition to their basic pay, there are various allowances and perks attached to the job. For instance, retirement benefits secure a dignified post-tenure life for the Judges, given their immense contributions. Curious to know the numbers? In this blog, let us break down the components of Supreme Court judge salary in India.

What Does a Supreme Court Judge Do?

A Supreme Court Judge serves as the final arbiter on constitutional matters and acts as the guardian of the Indian constitution. As the highest judicial authority, they ensure uniformity in laws across the country by settling legal disputes between states and the center. A judge's day involves hearing arguments in cases being appealed to the court, interpreting the constitution to decide if a law or action is valid, and delivering well-reasoned judgments with far-reaching implications. 

Major responsibilities of a Supreme Court Judge also include safeguarding fundamental rights and resolving challenges to constitutional amendments and emergency provisions. Through their judgments, Supreme Court judges actively shape India's legal framework, strengthen democracy, and uphold the rule of law.

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What is the Salary of a Supreme Court Judge?

In India, the salary of a Supreme Court judge is determined by the Central Government and reflects the prestigious nature of the role. As of the most recent update, the Chief Justice of India (CJI) earns a salary of ₹2.8 lakh per month, while Associate Justices receive ₹2.5 lakh per month. This remuneration places them among the highest-paid law officials in the country, recognizing their critical role in the judiciary.

The salary structure of a Supreme Court Judge is intended to ensure that judges are compensated fairly for their responsibilities and the extensive experience required for the position. Supreme Court Judge salaries are also periodically reviewed and adjusted based on recommendations from various committees, including the 7th Pay Commission.

Supreme Court Judge Salary Structure

The salary structure of Supreme Court judges includes a combination of basic pay, allowances, and other benefits. The overall compensation package reflects the high responsibilities and the esteemed position of the judiciary. Below is a breakdown of the key components of the salary structure –

Important Points About Salary of a Supreme Court Judge –

  • The salary of a Supreme Court judge is similar to that of the Cabinet Secretary of India, who is the most senior civil servant in the Indian government.

  • The salary of a Supreme Court judge can only be reduced during a financial emergency.

  • The Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act of 1958 governs the salaries of Supreme Court judges.

Supreme Court Judge Salary Per Month

The monthly salary of a Supreme Court judge is the sum total of the Basic Pay combined with the various allowances that form the complete compensation package. For the Chief Justice of India, the salary per month comes down to INR 2.8 lakh per month, while for Associate Justices, it is  INR 2.5 lakh per month.

In addition to the basic salary, judges receive various allowances, including Dearness Allowance (DA) and House Rent Allowance (HRA), which add up to constitute the monthly Supreme Court Judge salary. These allowances are intended to cover additional costs and are adjusted periodically to keep up with inflation and changing living conditions. The monthly salary is in tandem with the high level of responsibility and expertise required for the role, and it is structured to provide financial stability throughout a judge's career.

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Perks & Allowances Included in Supreme Court Judge Salary

Supreme Court Judges receive a range of perks and allowances as part of their overall remuneration packages. These include the below mentioned allowances –

Note – 

  • Further increase of HRA @ 27% when Dearness Allowance (DA) crosses 25% and @ 30% when DA crosses 50% has also been agreed to by Cabinet.

  • The salaries, pension and allowances of the Supreme Court Judges are charged upon the Consolidated Fund of India.

Apart from the above allowances which are included in the salary package, a Supreme Court Judge is also entitled to receive the following benefits and facilities –

  1. Accommodation – Government provides residence for Supreme Court judges. This includes housing as well as maintenance of the house.

  2. Vehicle – Judges are provided with an official vehicle for commuting. The expenses for fuel, maintenance etc of the vehicle is borne by the government.

  3. Security – Security personnel are deployed for the safety and protection of Supreme Court judges. The security detail and their expenses are the government's responsibility.

  4. Staff – Judges are sanctioned staff for their official and domestic work. The salaries of the staff like drivers, personal assistants etc are paid by the government.

  5. Electricity bills – The electricity expenses for the official residence of judges are borne by the central government.

  6. Hospitality allowance – An annual hospitality allowance of Rs. 45,000 is given to Supreme Court judges. This is likely for office or home entertainment expenditures.

  7. Post retirement benefits – Supreme Court judges are entitled to an annual pension of Rs. 16.80 lakhs after retirement from service. Medical benefits are also provided to retired judges.

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How to Become a Supreme Court Judge?

Becoming a Supreme Court judge in India is a rigorous process that demands significant legal expertise and experience. The steps include the following –

Step 1 – Get an LLB + LLM Degree

To be eligible to practice law and be considered for higher judicial roles, one must have a Bachelor's (LLB) and preferably a Master's degree (LLM) in law from a recognized university. An LLM degree enhances one's knowledge of constitutional law which is important for the Supreme Court.

Step 2 – Register with Bar Council & Practice Law for at least 10 Years

After obtaining an LLB, one must register with the Bar Council of India or any State Bar Council to start practicing as an advocate. One is then required to practice law actively for a minimum of 10 years before being considered for higher judicial positions. During this period, one builds experience in court proceedings and casework.

Step 3 – Get Recommended for Elevation to the High Court

To be considered for a High Court judgeship, advocates with 10+ years of experience must be recommended by the Chief Justice of the respective High Court or the Supreme Court Collegium. Merit, seniority, specialization, and service to the Bar are factors considered in the recommendation.

Step 4 – Serve as a High Court Judge for 2-5 Years

Upon recommendation and selection, one serves as a High Court judge, hearing and passing orders/judgments on cases. Serving minimum 2 years but preferably 5 years as a High Court judge strengthens one's judicial acumen and experience.

Step 5 – Get Selected by the Supreme Court Collegium

The Collegium, comprising the CJI and other senior SC judges, considers candidates and recommends the most suitable one(s) to the Law Ministry and President of India for appointment as Supreme Court judges. Merit, integrity, and a track record as an effective High Court judge are key factors in final selection. The President of India appoints Supreme Court judges based on the recommendations of the Collegium, which includes the Chief Justice of India and senior judges of the Supreme Court.

Skills You Need to Become a Supreme Court Judge

Becoming a Supreme Court judge in India demands not only legal expertise but also a set of well-rounded skills that ensure judges can handle their responsibilities effectively. These skills are essential for managing the complexities of high-profile cases and maintaining the judiciary's integrity and impartiality. Here are the crucial skills required to become a Supreme Court Judge –

  • Legal Knowledge: Comprehensive understanding of legal principles, statutes, and case law.

  • Analytical Skills: Ability to dissect complex legal issues and deliver reasoned judgments.

  • Judicial Temperament: Patience, impartiality, and the capacity to remain unbiased under all circumstances.

  • Communication Skills: Clear and concise verbal and written communication abilities.

  • Decision-Making Skills: Strong decision-making abilities to deliver judgments that may have wide-reaching implications.

  • Integrity and Ethics: Unwavering ethical standards and integrity to uphold the dignity of the judiciary.

Powers of a Supreme Court Judge in India

A Supreme Court judge has immense authority vested in them by the constitution. Some of their key powers include –

  1. Power of Judicial Review – They can declare any law made by the parliament or the state legislatures invalid if it is not in sync with the constitution.

  2. Original Jurisdiction – The Supreme Court has original jurisdiction over any dispute between the center and states or between states.

  3. Writ Jurisdiction – They can issue directives to enforce fundamental rights through writs like habeas corpus and mandamus.

  4. Appointing Authority – The Chief Justice leads the collegium that appoints high court and Supreme Court judges along with other judicial appointments.

  5. Administrative Powers – The Chief Justice manages the day-to-day functioning of the entire judiciary and recommends their budget to the government.

Let’s Sum It Up!

In conclusion, the salary and benefits package for Supreme Court judges in India is structured to reflect the gravity and prestige of their role within the judiciary. The Supreme Court Judge salary compensation includes not only a competitive salary but also various allowances and perks, which together ensure that judges can perform their duties without financial distractions. The remuneration package is essential for attracting and retaining the highest caliber of legal expertise, thereby upholding the integrity and effectiveness of India's highest court in delivering justice.

Supreme Court Judge Salary FAQs

  1. What is the current salary of a Supreme Court judge in India? 

The Chief Justice of India earns ₹2.8 lakh per month, while Associate Justices earn ₹2.5 lakh per month.

  1. Are there additional allowances for Supreme Court judges? 

Yes, Supreme Court judges receive allowances such as Dearness Allowance (DA), House Rent Allowance (HRA), medical allowance, and travel allowance.

  1. How is the salary of Supreme Court judges revised? 

The salary is periodically reviewed and revised based on recommendations from various committees and government regulations.

  1. What are the requirements to become a Supreme Court judge? 

Candidates must have extensive legal experience, a law degree, and are appointed based on the Collegium’s recommendations.

  1. Do Supreme Court judges receive a pension? 

Yes, Supreme Court judges are entitled to a pension upon retirement, which is calculated based on their salary and years of service.

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